the oresteia

loeb mainstage, april 29 - May 7, 2005

adapted from the aeschylus trilogy and three plays by euripides.  collaborated with choreographer rebecca alaly and an ensemble of 10 dancers, as well as a video designer.  undergraduate thesis, and greatly inspired by my first trip to berlin and my first class with mentor robert woodruff.



adapted from text by aeschylus & euripides / designed by: melissa goldman (sets), jane van cleef & casey lurtz (costumes), tom osborne (lights), blase ur (sound & video), jojo karlin (hair & make-up) / with: erica lipez (clytaemnestra), bobby hodgson (apollo/old man), mary birnbaum (athena/slavewoman), mike hoagland (orestes), jack fishburn (agamemnon), sara bartel (iphigenia), carla borras (electra), liam martin (aegisthus), scottie thompson (cassandra/dancer), lauren jackson (leader of the furies/dancer), morgan aronson (dancer), kate funderburk (dancer), suzanne jenkins (dancer), brynn jinnett (dancer), sarah kenny (dancer), jetta martin (dancer), claudia schreier (dancer), anna weiss (dancer) / choreographed by rebecca alaly / produced by sarah schacter & karina mangu-ward / directed by mike donahue


“the oresteia is excellent, experimental, wildly ambitious theater, and its like should be encouraged”

-patrick d. blanchfield, harvard crimson