a number

playmakers repertory company (prc2), sept 6-11, 2011

churchill takes the age-old scenario of confrontation between a father and son and turns it inside out to explore issues of human identity and parental responsibility, tackling the nature versus nurture debate head-on. in this family the sons are actually clones of the father’s “original” son. variables mount, guilt surfaces, lies are exposed and consequences cannot be denied as the startling facts are revealed.  staged in a highly compressed space that broke the fourth wall and jutted out into the first row of the audience.

photos: andrea akin / jan chambers



by caryl churchill / designed by: jan chambers (set + clothes), burke brown (lights), ryan j. gastelum (sound); with: ray dooley (salter) & josh barrett (bernard 1, bernard 2 and michael black) / directed by mike donahue


“Only 16 out of 1,000+ plays reviewed by the Indy have received a

5-star rating.  A Number is counted among them!”

-Byron Woods, IndyWeek (full story)

“Electrifying” and “Ingeniously Staged”

-Robert W. McDowell, Triangle Arts & Entertainment (full story)

“Beautifully Directed”

-Susie Potter, Triangle Arts & Entertainment (full story)

“A searing opening to PRC2”

-Nick Anderson, Daily Tarheel (full story)

listen to radio interview with DG MARTIN on WHO’S TALKING